"all about…Loyalty" Master Class Workshop with Chris Daffy

The «Master Class Workshop with Chris Daffy» organized by Optimal HR Group and all about...Loyalty was successfully completed. The two-day interactive workshop, held on 4th and 5th of July 2016 at SEMIRAMIS hotel, in a highly modern design venue, effectively and interactively showed how Customer Loyalty is connected with Customer Experience and how an enterprise can achieve its strategic objectives and long-term profitability.
Business executives from Greece and abroad, in industries such as Retail, Health, Energy, Advertising & Communication and more, were offered the opportunity to approach the field of Customer Loyalty using modern tools in an interactive workshop, focused on the needs of a challenging and changing business environment.
The «Master Class Workshop with Chris Daffy» was sponsored by "Arla Foods”,
"Protergia” & "Yes! Hotels ”.
Due to high demand of the 1st "Master Class Workshop with Chris
Daffy”, a 2nd Master Class Workshop is planned for the end of 2016, coming
up with the latest practices and tools on Customer Loyalty Management. More
information will be published soon in the Upcoming
Workshops section.