Training Services
Hotel Training Services constitute a unique toolkit which provides us with the ability to further expand the knowledge, improve skills, and, ultimately, alter the behavior of the people in the hospitality organization.
These audits include on-site assessments of:
Front of House Training
- Sales and Marketing
- F&B (Service and Kitchen), Room service
- Conference and Banqueting (Service and Culinary)
- Reception (Concierge, Front Office Desk, Grooms, Porters, Parking, Call Center)
- Housekeeping (maids-porters)
- Security
Back of House Training
- Housekeeping (Laundry, Public areas)
- Purchasing Logistics staff (Deliveries and Storage)
- Human Resources Dept
- Reservations (Rooms and Related)
- Financial control and audit
Fundamental training for hotels
- Welcome pack - Induction to Brand Standards and values. General information about the hotel or the company and its culture. Induction program for recently hired personnel / seasonal staff.
- Job descriptions - Accurate job descriptions per department and position.
- Brand Standards of Operations procedure per department and role - As per Brand standards of Service and operational procedures.
- Check lists per department and role - Detailed lists of duties and obligations within the department.
- Principles of service and interface with customer - Step by step interactions with hotel guests.
- Up selling - Maximize revenues by proactive and reactive sales techniques.
- Team building - Introduction to team work mentality.
- Basic of health and safety regulations - As per the guidelines established and regulated.
- Basic complain handling (basic Recovery) - How to deal with complaints.
- Product knowledge (for service advanced posts like F&B) - Training including menu knowledge and wine knowledge.
- Safe – Clean environment in the workplace. Food hygiene for food handlers.

Advanced Training for hotels
- Effective leadership - How to manage your team. Manager vs Leader.
- Train the trainer in basic customer service - Departmental ambassadors of Service.
- Behavior change skills - Module of behavior analysis.
- Performance and development reviews and meetings - As stated in fortnight meetings.
- Group Activities - i.e. football team association in a corporate championship.
- Up selling 2 – Advanced promotion of hotel products.
- Team Building 2 - Advanced team bonding interactions and role playing.
- Health and safety regulations as per HACCP - As stated.
- Complain handling (advanced Recovery) - How to turn a customer complaint into enthusiasm and up selling point.