Helping co-workers through difficult emotions
People are emotional beings and the most powerful emotions can inhibit our relationships, our everyday routine, and our job, particularly if those emotions are negative or not helpful.
Iδανικό για
Professional and Personal Development
Upon Request
Zoom Platform
1 session Χ 60' minutes
Στόχοι / Καλυπτόμενες Ανάγκες
Participants will:
- Use a teach-back process to learn about the four stages associated with moving others through their emotions, from being confrontational to a state of acceptance
- Be introduced to some of the core skills that will enhance this emotional progression through the four stages
Ενότητες Webinar
- To explain where emotions come from and what triggers them
- A practical guide for a four-stage process to manage and handle someone else's emotions, so that the relationship becomes and remains a positive one
- To learn a range of interpersonal skills that will support the transition between each of the stages of the process
- To identify key actions to implement after the session
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